Well, as you would expect with any event, the nerves are kicking in as we are getting ever closer to the launch of Frankie’s Legacy at Bindles tomorrow night, and there are still a few things to get done before we launch our charity in memory of our son Frankie.
Including all the little details that need doing before the launch, we have a busy media calendar also, as we are on the Elliott Webb’s show on BBC Hereford and Worcester at 11am this morning.
We are also preparing to appear on BBC Midlands Today where we will be filmed at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital delivery suite, and we are hoping that this piece will appear on the lunchtime, evening and late evening news spots tomorrow, as we are doing everything we can to raise the £5000 by the end of August, so we can get our charity status.
We have been overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received from everyone who has helped us, sponsored our event, and given us so much moral support during this emotional rollercoaster since we lost our son Frankie in November last year.
We are still constantly surprised by people’s generosity of time, services and support, and without this, the event and the charity would not be possible.
We hope everyone who comes to our launch night tomorrow will take away an understanding of our loss, which inspired us to start this charity to raise awareness of all the quiet and lonely suffering parents, grandparents, friends and family members who feel forced to go through this alone. We also hope that everyone will do whatever they can to help us raise the money needed to improve the facilities at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital delivery suite.
Our goal is very simple. We wish everyone who has a baby in Worcester to have the best experience possible, and to remove as much of the worries as possible during this time. Based on our experience the areas we feel could have helped us were:
Vouchers for meals and parking
Memory boxes for parents of stillborn babies or for those who suffer an early pregnancy loss
We hope by raising money to improve the delivery suite facilities that the parents-to-be can concentrate on the birth without having to worry about the parking fees, dad’s or birthing partners having somewhere comfy to sit, and have a meal voucher provided. In addition, the Wi-Fi would allow the couple to stay in touch with family and friends during their stay in hospital, and the information packs would allow them to get a better understanding of what happens during delivery, what to expect, and answers to frequently asked questions.
In the event of a couple who attend the delivery suite and experience a stillbirth, we would like to make sure that everyone is given a memory box as this helped us a lot during that painful time.
We hope that people reading our blog would be able to attend our launch night, but if you are unable, we hope you would visit our website and donate whatever you can afford, to help us reach our first target of £5000.
I look forward to posting the updates from our launch night tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
Russell Ventura
Frankie’s Daddy