My husband and I are devastated to announce that our son Francesco “Frankie” Enrico Ventura was born sleeping at 4.43am on Friday 29th November 2013 weighing 4lbs 10oz.
He was born with a very extensive cleft lip and palate, and it also looked like it ran into his nose and nostrils.
Our huge thanks go to Rachel Carter and her team on the delivery suite at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital for their help, support and care during this very difficult time, to The Rev’d David Southall, Chaplain of Worcestershire Royal Hospital for all his help, prayers and support and baptising Frankie on Friday afternoon, and to my parents for all their ongoing support and unconditional love. My parents were both at Frankie’s birth along with my husband.
We have been totally overwhelmed by the amount of love and support given to us on here, facebook and Twitter – we love you all.
“Baby and Cleft” will now become “Frankie’s Legacy”, and will continue not just to raise awareness of cleft lip and palate but also stillbirth, and chart everything we feel about what has happened to us, and our wonderful son.
But for now, I’m signing off as I’m utterly heartbroken and devastated, and I have a funeral to arrange, something I never thought I would ever have to do.
Love and hugs to you all, and God Bless.
RIP Francesco “Frankie” Enrico Ventura – born sleeping 29th November 2013. Mummy and Daddy will love you forever and beyond xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx