Hello May….what an action packed month it is going to be! I will be starting off with a nice restful long weekend, my gorgeous husband’s birthday is on May 8th, followed by tours of the sets of Emmerdale and Coronation Street on 8th May and 16th May. Then on May 21st we go to Worthing for the Whitsun Bank Holiday where we will be taking a day trip to London to go and see the new Star Wars display at Madam Tussauds, and I will be finishing off the month with a BBQ on May 30th. Bring on the fun, I can’t wait!
Not only is this month going to be my “month of fun”, it is also the month that I will finally undertake the “31 Days Of Mindfulness Challenge”. A while ago I downloaded the PDF book about the challenge, and after putting it off for a few months I’ve decided that today, May 1st, will be the day that I undertake this challenge to help with my recovery.
The idea is that you have a prompt word every day to help you slow down, relax and really take stock and note of everything that is going on around you. So for example, today’s word is “notice”, and you note everything that is going on around you and take a step back, deep breath and really appreciate everything that you can see and feel. You can note this in a blog, journal/notebook and/or through photographs. I’ve chosen to make some notes every day in a beautiful floral handbook, and then post every so often on here throughout the month with updates on how I’m getting on with the challenge, and how I’m finding it.
I will probably post photos on my Instagram account or Twitter, but probably not both, so you’ll be able to keep up with how I am doing with the challenge.
So here’s to the fun month of May, and all it brings!
I benefited from #31daysofmindfulness, hope you do too xxx
Thanks Leigh, I’ve been trying to notice my breathing today, and it has been really helpful! I thought this month would be a good month to do it, as I have so much going on 🙂 xx