I’ve had a long standing relationship with my local newspaper the Worcester News for many years due to the areas of work I’ve been involved in and as a Director and Founder of the Worcestershire Literary Festival, so I was very pleased today to meet Tarik Al Rasheed and talk to him about baby Frankie’s recent diagnosis, this blog and my future plans for as much awareness raising of the condition as possible.
It is thanks to the Rev David Southall who tweeted Tarik about “Baby and Cleft” that a feature will hopefully be in the paper soon. I’m thrilled about this as it will be a great start to raising awareness in my locality about cleft lip/palate, and Tarik was a great person to talk to.
He asked me if I didn’t mind telling him how old I was and I replied, “Not at all, I was 40 last Monday”. He did a double take and said, “40, really?? You don’t look it at all”! Thanks Tarik, that’s music to a lady’s ears!
I’ll post a link to the article if/when it does appear in the Worcester News, but want to say a huge thank you in advance for anything they can do to help me highlight cleft lip/palate to their readership.