Apparently today is International Bereaved Mother’s Day. I had absolutely no idea that such a day even exists, but it looks like it originated from the USA, where I have found numerous news articles about it on my Google News feed. Mothers’ Day here in the UK is in March, and in the USA it is next Sunday.
On investigating further I found that this day originated from the Carly Marie Project – – and while it seems to be popular in the USA, it has yet to catch on in any great depth here.
So, this is another project that I am thinking of running next year, promoting the existence of this day as an awareness raising campaign here in the UK (nowhere else, and not stepping on Carly Marie’s toes in the USA), but as it is meant to be International Bereaved Mother’s Day I think it deserves to be known about and promoted here in the UK. I’m thinking of getting all the baby loss groups/charities involved and having balloon or butterfly releases at 11am across the UK on Sunday 1st May 2016. Hopefully there will be spiritual and religious services to mark International Bereaved Mother’s Day, and other appropriate activities.
Now – this is me playing a bit of devil’s advocate here – would it be better if we had a UK Bereaved Mother’s Day on the same day as our Mother’s Day, which is in March? Or should it stay as it is as a separate day on the same day as International Bereaved Mother’s Day? I need your help with this, so any thoughts and insights to help me decide when to run it would be very much appreciated.
Something should be done to mark the existence in the UK of all the bereaved and empty armed mother’s out there, and I intend to do just that in 2016. If you would like to help or get involved with this, please email me via or leave a comment on here.
As always, I would love to hear from you.