With January almost over already we thought this would be a good time to give everyone an update on where we are with the launch of Frankie’s Legacy as a charity. Our governing document and constitution has been finalised along with our charitable aims, and we are busy planning our first big fundraising and launch event which will be early April. We are busy trying to source a suitable venue for the launch which will include a raffle, some short presentations about Frankie’s Legacy and our charitable aims and some entertainment, with an official opening by someone prominent such as the Mayor of Worcester, and we hope that The Rev’d David Southall will attend and say a few words too. Tickets will be on sale for the event as soon as we have secured a venue and date, and will probably cost £10.00 each to include a welcome drink and some nibbles.
Our main goal this year is to raise £5000 by the end of August 2014 so that we can apply to the Charity Commission to become a registered charity. We are in the process of applying to HMRC to be recognised as a charity with a gift aid number, now that our governing document and constitution has been finalised. The website is up and running, I have business cards and I’ve started to attend some business networking events in my locality promoting Frankie’s Legacy. The response has been amazing with so many offers of help, support and raffle prizes I’ve been completely humbled and overwhelmed by it all.
When we have raised £5000 and can apply for our registered charity number all the proceeds after any costs will be split and donated to Towards Together Tomorrow to fund materials required to make memory boxes for bereaved parents of stillborn children, as our memory box came from this organisation, and to Rare Chromo specifically for research into Chromosome 15 Duplication Syndrome. We already raised £1057.62 for the Cleft Lip & Palate Association charity before Frankie’s Legacy as a charity was created, and we will continue to raise awareness of cleft lip and palate.
We are also currently looking at amassing our team and would like to talk to people who are interested in joining our Management Committee and Board Of Trustees. We specifically have an immediate requirement for a Treasurer and a Secretary to join me and my husband as the Founders and Chair/Deputy Chair so if this something you would be interested in please get in touch with me via lisa@frankieslegacy.org.uk. We also have a need for volunteers, and I’ll be posting details of what sort of help we need together with our organisation chart, our governing document and constitution and our volunteering policy.
Not only will we have our launch event in April but you can donate to us now via our paypal account. Every penny helps so if you can donate the link to do so is www.frankieslegacy.org.uk/donate-now, click on the paypal button on the page to donate to us. We will also be launching a programme of events throughout this year such as quiz nights, sponsored events and more. Watch this space for more details.
There is still a lot of work to be done in the coming months, and the road ahead will be challenging, but me and his Daddy are doing it for Frankie always, to ensure that his memory and his legacy will never die.